About us

About us

Hogarth’s House has been open to the public since 1904. For most of its life it has displayed a collection of Hogarth’s prints. Despite several challenges during the 20th Century including bomb damage during the Second World War, the site has remained open to the public. 

A refurbishment in 2011 by the Heritage Lottery Fund (now National Lottery Heritage Fund) significantly enhanced interpretation inside the House. The 2020 Mulberry Garden Project, also funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, has not only added the new Weston Studio for learning and activities, but also re-landscaped and reinterpreted the garden to give the site an exhibition garden that highlights historic planting and themes. The House and garden are currently managed by London Borough of Hounslow.

A view of Hogarth’s House from inside the garden

View a Virtual 3D Model of Hogarth’s House

Taken from the renovation in 2011, this video shows a 3D rendering of Hogarth’s House, including areas that are inaccessible to the public. The video was part of our interactive display in the Dining Room, which starts the virtual tour.