Taking inspiration from Hogarth’s Mulberry Garden, this fun printmaking workshop with Printmaker Richard Roberts will get participants engaging with printmaking processes and themes of nature. Based in Hogarth House’s brand-new Learning Studio, with in-house Intaglio press and fantastic views and access to the garden, this day-long creative workshop is suitable for adults at all levels.
Be prepared to get inky! We provide aprons to all participants and make every effort to use washable inks, but please be mindful of the clothing you choose to wear to the workshop.
There will be a lunch break between 1 and 2pm. Due to our location, we strongly recommend bringing a packed lunch or selecting the Colicci’s lunch included ticket option (£52.00) (v, vg and gluten free options).
Aged 16+
Spaces limited to 10
Richard Roberts is a Printmaker and Specialist Printing Technician at the London College of Communication with years of experience creating prints and leading sessions with learners at all levels.